Tuesday, May 22, 2018

e-Communication Summer Assignment 2018

This assignment is only for those incoming sophomores applying for e-Comm who missed the e9 course. Please follow all of the directions carefully.


  1. Create a new Blogger blog. You will need a Gmail address to do this. Go to www.blogger.com 
  2. You are responsible for completing each of the modules in the posts below: Graphic Design, Animation, Video, Web.
  3. Post your assignments to your blog in the order they are below.
  4. E-mail your blog address to anettervilleonw@olatheschools.org
  5. Your assignment is due by the first day of school. E-mail anettervilleonw@olatheschools.org if you have any questions.

 Graphic Design

Download the assignment here.

Here is the image file for the assignment.


Here is the Animation summer assignment: interNetterville: Summer Animation Project


  1. Take notes over the following lessons:

    Camera Techniques

    Camera Shots

    Camera Angles

  2. You will create a VIDEO RESUME that will market yourself to a college or university. 

    Download the assignment here. Follow the directions carefully. 

Web Design

Click here to download the Web Design summer assignment.

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